Diana Daiub

Diana is the co-founder of SupportUkraineNOW — a Global Shaper-led organization focused on tailoring and curating effective solutions to the Ukrainian crisis. Now an ecosystem with 15+ initiatives in the spheres of economy, activism and humanitarian response to the war in Ukraine.

Diana is a geek of anything people-oriented: networking, partnerships, sales, negotiations, team building, and conflict resolution. Her broad background — in law, international organizations, startups, and e-learning — gave her the superpower of finding common ground with virtually anyone.

Diana has Ukrainian, Russian, and Syrian roots. Born and raised in Kyiv, Ukraine, she is known as a Kyiv Ambassador, promoting the city abroad.

Diana is currently located in Beirut, Lebanon, for her Arabic language studies.

Diana lives by the motto “spread the energy you want to attract", and loves memes.

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