- ⛑️ Provide Humanitarian Supplies
- What to ask?
- Provide Help
- More Resources how to Help in Ireland
- Live list of Irish organizations responding to need in Ukraine: https://bit.ly/3pw8p0R
⛑️ Provide Humanitarian Supplies
- If you have kids’ goods, sign up here: https://www.letsmatchmums.com/
You can get in touch with your local MEP and TD via email or post. Find your local MEPs and TDs on https://www.whoismytd.com/ or https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/members/ .
What to ask?
- Support the directive to provide Ukrainians with residency status.
- Provide humanitarian and financial aid to Ukraine and the surrounding countries providing refuge to Ukrainians.
- Commit to sharing the responsibility of providing refuge to people from the Ukraine equally with fellow European countries. Ireland should take fair share of relocation or resettlement needs.
Instructions on how to write: here.
Provide Help
- Supports for Ukrainians in Ireland: https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/moving-country/ukrainian-refugees-in-ireland/supports-for-ukrainians-in-ireland/
- Irish Supporters of Ukraine: https://www.facebook.com/groups/787279257984036/
- Supporting Ukraine: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/supporting-ukraine
- Helping Irish Hosts: https://www.helpingirishhosts.com/
Follow Irish Supporters for the Ukraine: https://www.facebook.com/groups/787279257984036/events
- Pledge room or property to The Red Cross: https://registerofpledges.redcross.ie/#/
- Register Interest to volunteer with JRS, Ireland: Lucy.ray@jrs.ie
More Resources how to Help in Ireland
- Temporary Residency: The Irish Department of Justice has started working on the directive, which would provide an alternative to seeking international protection. It would provide a year's `temporary residency’, which could later be extended to three years. It would provide "an immediate right to access of the labour market, housing, social welfare, healthcare, education, training and other supports'.
- No visa needed: The Government stated that people can come to Ireland without a visa. Read here.
- Live document answering questions about entry and refuge in Ireland: https://www.irishrefugeecouncil.ie/ukraine-information-note
- Web App that highlights supports on arrival: www.welcomejrs.ie
- Accommodation: If you are offered accommodation by a person living in Ireland you can live with them. If you do not have a place to stay, accommodation will be found for you through the government and it is likely that you will be accommodated initially in a hotel.
Super Doc info on Seeking Asylum: