- 💵 Donate locally
- ⛑ Humanitarian Help
- ✊Participate in a local demonstration
- 🤝 Local Help
- 🚝 Travel to and from Denmark
- 🏡 Housing
- 🎓Legal Counseling
- 📁Find a job
- 💬 Share and spread the message
- 🏛Contact Danish politicians
💵 Donate locally
Most charities say that they primarily need monetary donations and not donations of objects, such as clothes: The Red Cross: Money is the best way to help right now | TV2 Nord
- Dansk Flygtningehjælp
- Red Barnet
- Røde Kors
- Folkekirkens Nødhjælp
- SOS Børnebyerne
- Care - Write an SMS with “Help” to 1414 to donate 100 dkk to Care.dk (only works from a Danish telephone number)
- Donate objects or money here: Hjælp Ukraine - Home | Facebook
- If you are a firm, “Dansk Industri” has an overview over what is needed in Ukraine: https://www.danskindustri.dk/ukraine/
- Bevar Ukraine
- Læger Uden Grænser (MSF)
⛑ Humanitarian Help
As written above, most charities are in need of monetary donations rather than donations of objects: The Red Cross: Money is the best way to help right now | TV2 Nord
If you still want to donate some of your things (e.g. clothes), you can find more information in the following Facebook groups:
- Help Ukraine Denmark - Hjælp til flygtninge fra Ukraine
- Ukrainske Flygtninge - Nordjylland (UFNORD)
- Hjælp til Ukrainske flygtninge - Brønderslev
- Hjælp Ukrainske flygtninge til bornholm
- Hjælp Ukraine - Esbjerg
- DK hjælper Ukraine | Facebook
- Skanderborg hjælper Ukraine
- Bevar Ukraine
New fundraisers of items to be sent to Ukraine keep appearing/growing daily. This is of course an option, but please remember that money is the most important thing to donate in order to help Ukraine right now.
✊Participate in a local demonstration
- Here a list of planned demonstrations by location (find the closest to you): https://standwithukraine.live/peace-protests/
You can also organise your own demonstration (write about it here if that’s the case):
🤝 Local Help
If you want to be a volunteer, please read more here:
- Offer Help - Aid Ukraine Denmark
- Dansk Flygtningehjælp
- Help Ukraine Denmark - Hjælp til flygtninge fra Ukraine
- Ukrainske Flygtninge - Nordjylland (UFNORD)
- Hjælp til Ukrainske flygtninge - Brønderslev
- Hjælp Ukrainske flygtninge til bornholm
- DK hjælper Ukraine | Facebook
- Skanderborg hjælper Ukraine
- Volunteers to support Ukraine in Denmark
- Gratis mental sundhed støtte ukrainere
- Udvikle teknologi for at hjælpe NGOs i Ukraine
🚝 Travel to and from Denmark
If you are an Ukrainian citizen and you want to come to Denmark (or you are already here), you can find more information about what to do here: Information til ukrainske statsborgere.
Ukrainian refugees can travel for free with most public transportation in Denmark. Read more about it: Ukrainske flygtninge kan rejse gratis ind i Danmark med DSB og Arriva.
If you arrive in Denmark, you can either enter Denmark if you are exempt from visa, if you apply for an emergency visa, or if you apply for asylum. See more information here: Information til ukrainske statsborgere and here: Ukrainere kan blive i Danmark i op til seks måneder - DI.
- Visa-exempt travel (180 days stay): It requires a biometric passport (with chip) that can document that you have enough money to be in Denmark. You can later apply for residency or asylum.
- Emergency visa (180 day stay): You can request for an emergency visa by talking to the police at the border.
- Asylum: You can also ask for asylum in Denmark.
⚠ Unless you receive a residence permit in Denmark, it is not a possibility (at the moment) to have a job. However, currently there is a political debate on whether it should be possible for Ukrainian refugees to work in Denmark.
🏡 Housing
If you want to give shelter to Ukrainians refugees, you can find more information here:
- Giv husly til Ukrainske flygtninge i DK🇩🇰🇺🇦 Надаємо житло д
- Værtsfamilie for ukrainske flygtninge - Randers
- Civilt initiativ i Gentofte - Vi er klar til at huse ukrainske flygtninge
The Ukrainian Embassy in Denmark
You can contact the Ukrainian Embassy in Denmark on +45 81 45 52 60 or at the following address: Toldbodgade 37A, 1253 København K.
The website of the Ukrainian embassy in Denmark is down because it was hacked on the 28th of February. However, the embassy can still help so reach out!
🎓Legal Counseling
The Danish Refugee Council (Dansk Flygtningehjælp) offers free counseling to asylum seekers, refugees and immigrants in Denmark. In some cases, the Danish Refugee Council also offers assistance with legal cases and processing of cases. You can apply as an individual or a group, regardless of where you are in the asylum application process.
- Contact: advice@drc.ngo or +45 33735000
If you are a volunteer caseworker, who works with asylum or repatriation cases, you can also find free counseling:
- Dansk Flygtningehjælps Asylafdeling
- Dansk Flygtningehjælps Frivilligrådgivning (several local departments)
Refugees Welcome offers personal counseling by email or phone:
- Contact: kontakt@regufeeswelcome.dk or +45 50558011
- Refugees Welcome rådgivning
If you search for general information about the Danish asylum system, you can have an overview by looking at the one-pager by Refugee Welcomes in Russian, English or Danish.
If there is a long waiting time for talking to the Danish Refugee Council and Refugees Welcome, you can also ask for help at “Retshjælpen” (translates as Judicial Help) - present in all big cities in Denmark. For example, here is the link to the “Retshjælpen” in Copenhagen: https://www.retshjaelpen.dk/.
📁Find a job
Several large Danish firms have said they would like to employ Ukrainian refugees:
- HK Handel og COOP er klar til at hjælpe ukrainske flygtninge i arbejde
- Hoteldirektør vil ansætte ukrainske flygtninge: - Vi har en forpligtelse til at hjælpe de her mennesker
💬 Share and spread the message
You can share all these links with your network! It is really important to share information in order to raise awareness about the situation in Ukraine and how we can help.
You can share and reshare on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter with the hashtag #WeStandWithUkraine. Get inspired by “media kit” for ukraine!
🏛Contact Danish politicians
One of the best ways to make a difference is by writing to Danish politicians. Here a list of their contact details: Contact details of Danish politicians