
Stop Business Operations in Russia



We need to disable Russia - limiting access to technologies, goods, and services, transportation, etc so please CONTACT, WRITE companies you work in, or you know to STOP OPERATIONS in RUSSIA and SUPPORT Ukraine.

We share with you graphics and poster to use in this campaign (special thanks go to our graphic designers).

You see logos of 110+ (!!!) leading international companies who have already:

  • Stopped operations, closed offices, exited investment projects in Russia and with Russia, froze Russian money, and so on
  • Supported Ukraine financially, and/or provided humanitarian assistance to those affected by Putin’s war in Ukraine.
  • Publicly expressed their positions against Russian military invasion of Ukraine


  • Stopped selling Russian goods or stopped selling and/or delivering goods to Russia
  • Been helping and hiring Ukrainians escaping war

We shall make this list of 100 companies into thousands and thousands of companies. That’s our goal. Please, write to 10 companies a day, or more if you can. Let’s stop the war.

My advice on how to use it and what to do:

  • Please, use Twitter, Linkedin, any other social media to reach international, or your local companies. Tag them, attach a poster and send a note with clear message
  • If you work abroad or in an international company, write to your colleagues, write to your CEO, attach poster/graphics
  • If are expat and member of various professional formal and informal groups – email it or distribute via WhatsApp groups etc
  • If you have partners, clients, customers abroad – email them and ask to make a choice and make history.
  • Use posters as your background picture on FB, Linkedin.

Suggested messages:

  • Stand With Ukraine - stop funding Russia’s war! (Your business pays taxes to the Russian state which uses the money to bomb Ukrainian civilians)
  • Stand with Ukraine - stand with freedom and the future! (A key part of a successful business is innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, taking risks, etc. These are all things Ukraine has in abundance. And Russia has none of them. Russia and Putin in the past, Ukraine is the future (+joins the EU), Russia is a sinking корабель, який йде нахуй)
  • Businesses should be brave like Ukraine! (Show the same courage that Ukrainians are showing every day - leave Russia, look for new markets/new horizons)
  • Ukraine is a civilized world! - look at what Russia is doing (also with foreign investors - can’t sell their holdings anymore) How can you keep operating in a place where they can expropriate you tomorrow - Get Out Now!
  • Join business leaders helping Ukraine! (Companies like Apple, etc have left Russia - momentum, don’t be the last one left, consumers will remember who helped Ukraine)
  • And my personal favorite: Russian economy, idi nahui!

ATTENTION, Some of the companies who still operate in Russia with nearly no or zero limitations:

Microsoft and GitHub (critical!!), Samsung, SAS (key banks and CI operators as clients), Nissan-Renault (70% holding in AVTOVAZ with 34k employees), Leroy Merlin, Capgemini, Raiffeisen, Auchan, Mondelez, EY, kpmg, PWC, Deloitte, Syngenta, Coca Cola… business as usual?

You definitely know leading companies in your particular industry/field – so target them too.

While I was just writing this post, Accenture closed Russia’s operations and fired 2300 people. They felt we are coming.