Comment on Russian Google Maps

Comment on Russian Google Maps

We need to spread the reality of what is happening in Ukraine to Russian population that refuses to seek for information sources different from their TV or propaganda channels. Adding real information with photos or videos showing destructions in Ukraine in unexpected places such as google maps reviews could help us reach out to more Russian people, especially if its massive and done by real people, not bots.

Suggested by Anonymous:

Go to Google Maps. Go to Russia. Find a restaurant or business and write a review. When you write the review explain what is happening in Ukraine. If you don't know what to say here is an example text:

The food was great! Unfortunately, Putin spoiled our appetites by invading Ukraine. Stand up to your dictator, stop killing innocent people! Your government is lying to you. Get up!

Or better in Russian:

Еда была отличной! К сожалению, Путин испортил наши аппетиты, вторгшись в Украину. Противостаньте своему диктатору, прекратите убивать невинных людей! Ваше правительство лжет вам. Вставай!

Add photos/videos of destruction with comments where and what is shown (e.g. city, date, reported civilian casualties). Use only verified sources for photos/videos, such as The Guardian, CNN, DW etc.

Leave 5 star reviews (unless its Russian State owned, then feel free to leave 1 star ratings). The point is to push information to the Russian civilian population being lied to by Putin.