Write to your local MP
This can be a way to lobby the British government to place further sanctions on the Russian government and its associates. You can get in touch with your local MP via email or post to their constituency address. Instructions on how to get in touch can be found on parliament.uk.
What to ask?
- Close the sky above Ukraine! Don’t let a nuclear disaster happen!
- Ban energy trade with Russia - stop buying Russian oil and gas.
- Ban foreign investment in Russia and prohibit Western government pension funds from investing in Russian assets.
- Sanction all secondary trading in Russian debt and equities public and private sector, including existing holdings.
- Sanction the Russian Central Bank, Russian state-owned and private banks.
- Sanction all ruble transactions with Western banks.
- Withdraw Russia out of bond and equity investment indices.
- Block Russia from the SWIFT system for payments.
- Disconnect Russia from VISA and MasterCard payment systems.
- Freeze Russian foreign assets, Sanction Russian Direct Investment.
- Expand personal sanctions to all those in the Western list of sanctions and their families - asset freeze, visa cancellations, passport revocation and repatriation back to Russia.
- Provide Ukrainians with a refugee status in the UK.
- Provide humanitarian and financial help.
- Provide additional sanctions and ban all the relationships with Russian authorities.
How to ask?
Instructions on how to write: here.
Example letter: here.
Who to ask?
List of MPs and Lords: https://members.parliament.uk/members/Commons
UK residents can easily contact their political representatives using this site: https://www.writetothem.com/