Ways to Help Ukraine from the United States
As always, please take the time to examine any websites, charities, organizations, etc before giving out any personal or financial information, listed here or otherwise.
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Donations 🌻
Note: All donations are tax-deductible in the United States
Check global donation options here:
DonateUS-tailored Ukrainian donations
National Bank of Ukraine Special Account to Raise Funds for Ukraine’s Armed Forces
Local initiatives & trusted NGOs
- World Central Kitchen - WCK's Chefs for Ukraine response has grown rapidly, and is distributing nourishing food and fresh meals (300K meals per day) across the region, including Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Moldova, and Romania.
- UN Crisis Relief - Ukraine Humanitarian Fund - Donations can be made in USD and other currencies.
- International Medical Corps - Ukraine Fund - Offers opportunity for employers to match the donation.
- USA-UNHCR (Refugee fund) for Displaced Ukrainians
- Unicef USA - Children in Crossfire of Ukraine Crisis
- Doctors without borders - Ukraine Crisis
- Save the Children’s Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund
- CARE - Ukraine Crisis Fund
- Sunflower of Peace - Help Ukraine - First aid packs distributed to paramedics and doctors at the front lines in Ukraine.
- International Disaster Emergency service - Emergency funding, food and supplies have been sent to those in Ukraine.
- QUA - LGBTQ Ukrainians in America - first non-governmental organization of LGBTQ+ Ukrainians and their allies in the United States. Donation link
- Leleka Foundation - a US-based non-profit organization that raises charitable funds and implements medical and social support projects in Ukraine.
Charities verified by Better Business Bureau
Additionally, given the large number of fundraisers held in the United States, here is a list of NGOs that have specifically been vetted by the Better Business Bureau (this means that they have met the BBB Standards for Charity Accountability).
Note: Organizations marked with * are religiously affiliated.
- The Alight response team of humanitarian and emergency response workers has been deployed to Poland to help refugees from Ukraine, according to its website.
- American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee is * providing Ukrainian’s essentials, coordinating displaced evacuees and helping with the emergency response, according to its website.
- Americares Foundation says they’re delivering aid to families in the form of medical teams, medicine and relief supplies, according to their website.
- Catholic Relief Services is * in bordering countries providing shelter, meals, hygiene supplies, transport to safe areas, among other responses.
- Direct Relief is sending medical support, from oxygen concentrators to critical care medicine. It is also working to offer longer-term aid to people displaced by the war, according to its website.
- Episcopal Relief & Developmentis * providing cash, blankets and hygiene supplies to people fleeing Ukraine.
- Heart to Heart International is working to deliver hygiene kits and medical supplies along with sending its response team to support refugees.
- GlobalGiving is focused on helping the most vulnerable, including children, according to its website.
- International Rescue Committee is providing aid to displaced families.
- MAP International is * sending emergency health kits with essential medicine and supplies, along with disaster kits, to Ukraine.
- Matthew 25: Ministries * is shipping humanitarian aid and conflict relief to Ukraine, according to its website. You can also donate through the mail.
- Medical Teams International * is shipping medical supplies and field crews to the area.
- Mennonite Central Committee * is assisting people who are displaced.
- Mercy Corps is on the ground in Romania and Poland, according to its website. They are still working to figure out what people need most but say it will likely be emergency cash, food and water.
- Operation USA is also working to figure out how they can best serve Ukrainians, according to its website. They say they will target priority supplies on the ground.
- Salvation Army * is working to help with food, shelter and spiritual care, according to its website.
Other charities:
- United Ukrainian American Relief Committee, Inc. (UUARC) - 1944-founded non-profit organization that helps Ukrainians in need. Donations will be used for the purchase of medical supplies and equipment sent to our contacts and volunteer network in Ukraine.
State-based help
- Alabama - https://www.uwca.org/for-individuals/
- Alaska - https://www.cssalaska.org/our-programs/refugee-assistance-immigration-services/ukraine-relief/
- Arizona- https://des.az.gov/services/basic-needs/refugee-resettlement/federal-programs-ukrainians-affected-war
- Arkansas- https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/ukraine-disaster-and-refugee-relief/
- California- https://www.cdss.ca.gov/ukraine-resources
- Colorado- https://www.ukrainiansofcolorado.org
- Connecticut- https://ctukraine.org/about/
- Delaware- https://www.facebook.com/groups/1018302858763638/
- Florida- https://fl4ua.org/what-we-do-2/
- Georgia- https://jfcsatl.org/ukraine-resources-2
- Hawaii- https://www.facebook.com/groups/994658781190982/?ref=share / HawaiiStandsWithUkraine@gmail.com
- Idaho- https://www.idahorefugees.org/uniting-for-ukraine.html
- Illinois- https://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=145231
- Indiana- https://indianasupportsukraine.org
- Iowa- https://hhs.iowa.gov/refugee-services/ukraine
- Kansas- https://ukrainekc.org/help-ukraine/
- Kentucky- https://louisvilleky.gov/government/landing-page/ukraine
- Louisiana- https://unitedcajunnavy.org/ukraine-relief-efforts/
- Maine- https://www.mainecf.org/2022/03/supporting-ukraine-from-maine/
- Maryland- https://www.marylandnonprofits.org/ukraine-crisis-where-to-donate/
- Massachusetts- https://www.ascentria.org/our-services/services-for-new-americans/help-welcome-ukrainians
- Michigan- https://www.uacrisisresponse.org/take-action
- Minnesota- https://www.standwithukrainemn.com/take-action
- Mississippi- https://biloxidiocese.org/support-ukraine
- Missouri- https://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/local/how-to-help-ukraine-from-mid-missouri/article_b04357ce-9f17-11ec-8859-0731c79b3831.html
- Montana- https://www.ukrainereliefeffort.org/take-action
- Nebraska- https://archomaha.org/relief-for-ukraine/
- Nevada- https://nevadafund.org/post/resources-humanitarian-support-ukraine
- New Hampshire- https://guw.upicsolutions.org/comm/SinglePageRegPledge.jsp?DA=3184801&EnvelopeKeyHex=6F24722A5347475F2E72457432552869665232327E3E
- New Jersey- https://www.nj.gov/ukraine/
- New Mexico- http://www.uanm.life/?fbclid=IwAR00LIfW2xUte8wpXlSwyjGIdVr3YuROYyJNrCsm7gl0dvVuxXu6cHNnbqM
- New York- https://www.ny.gov/new-york-state-stands-ukraine-resources-ukrainians-and-how-new-yorkers-can-help
- North Carolina- https://www.ukrainiansinthecarolinas.org
- North Dakota- https://www.hhs.nd.gov/cfs/refugee-resettlement-program
- Ohio- https://globalcleveland.org/ukraine/
- Oklahoma- https://archokc.org/news/where-to-give-to-help-ukraine
- Oregon- https://www.portland.gov/civic/immigrants/supporting-ukrainian-communities
- Pennsylvania- https://www.dhs.pa.gov/refugeesinpa/Pages/UkrainiansinPA.aspx
- Rhode Island- https://www.ukrainereliefri.org
- South Carolina- https://www.ukrainiansinthecarolinas.org
- South Dakota- https://www.facebook.com/ariseukraine/
- Tennessee- https://empowernashville.org/ukraine/
- Texas- https://www.uast.org
- Utah- https://utahukrainians.org
- Vermont- https://standwithukrainevt.com/?page_id=57
- Virginia- https://www.dss.virginia.gov/community/ona/ukrainian_arrivals/index.cgi
- Washington- https://uccwa.org/programs/support-ukraine/?submit.x=95&submit.y=19
- West Virginia- https://give.wvu.edu/campaign/ukraine/c431232
- Wisconsin- https://www.wisconsin-ukrainians.org
- Wyoming- https://ukrfreedomfund.org/campaigns/
Creative approaches to give aid to Ukrainians directly:
How to check if a charity is credible?
📦 Send humanitarian aid from US
Collect and send yourself:
Order and send via specialized charities:
https://www.facebook.com/108932689245905/posts/2169063573232796 (contains an amazon list with prioritized items and address in US where to direct the delivery)
Volunteer Opportunities 🌻
- Help to collect and transfer humanitarian aid in US
- Information for Americans who wish to join the Foreign Legion and fight for Ukraine:
- Lawyers wishing to provide pro bono support for Ukrainian refugees:
- https://ukrainelegalaid.org/#/
- https://www.americanbar.org/advocacy/rule_of_law/ukraine-response/volunteer-response/
- Cyber/IT professionals wishing to join an “IT army”:
- https://itarmy.com.ua/?lang=en
- More detail here: https://www.wired.com/story/ukraine-it-army-russia-war-cyberattacks-ddos/
- Twitter : https://twitter.com/itarmyukr?lang=en
- Additional resources:
Embassy of Ukraine in the United States of America 🌻
Washington, DC
Address: 3350 M St NW, Washington, DC 20007
Phone: +1 (202) 349-2963
Open: Monday - Friday, 9am - 6 pm
Consulates of Ukraine in the US
San Francisco
Address: 530 Bush Street, Suite 402, San Francisco, California, USA, 94108. Phone: +1 (415) 398-0240, Emergency Phone: +1(415) 690-0460
Address: 10 East Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611, Phone: +1 (312) 642-4388, Emergency phone: +1 (312) 536-9418
New York
Address: 240 East, 49th Street New York, NY 10017,
Phone: +1 (212) 371-6965
Housing & Accommodation 🌻
(As of March 7, note that it is currently unclear whether the US administration will take in Ukrainian refugees for resettlement.) If US visa requirements do allow for facilitating the immigration process for Ukrainian refugees, here are sites where host families would be able to share about available accommodations:
- https://www.ukrainenow.org/i-can-host
- https://www.airbnb.org/help-ukraine
- “Accommodation, Help & Shelter for Ukraine” facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/699929631375624/
Ukrainians currently studying or temporarily living in the US (prior to March 1, 2022) have been granted temporary protected status for 18 months: https://www.uscis.gov/newsroom/news-releases/secretary-mayorkas-designates-ukraine-for-temporary-protected-status-for-18-months
Note from American Immigration Council: “Nationals of a designated country do not automatically receive TPS, but instead must register during a defined registration period and pay significant fees. In addition, an individual’s immigration status at the time of application for TPS has no effect on their eligibility, nor does the previous issuance of an order of removal. An individual who is eligible for TPS must submit an application to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), an agency of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). If a person demonstrates eligibility and USCIS grants TPS, that person receives a temporary stay of deportation and temporary authorization to work in the United States. TPS beneficiaries are also eligible for advance parole, which provides permission to travel abroad and return to the United States, but they must apply for it separately. Beneficiaries are not eligible for any public assistance by virtue of their TPS status.”
Details about process for new refugees entering US https://www.state.gov/refugee-admissions/
Find a Job 🌻
These organizations are helping refugees find work and providing workforce training for refugees. Ask if your employer is able to partner with these organizations to hire refugees:
- https://www.tent.org/
- https://www.upwardlyglobal.org/
- https://www.humanslikeus.org/
- https:/www.rescue.org
Scientists that lead research labs from all over the world including the US have committed to hire Ukrainian scientists fleeing Ukraine. There is a continuously updated list, to participate as a research groups leader (PI) please follow this link: Global Research Groups Supporting Ukrainian Scientists. Here are the labs that have signed up so far - please share this link with Ukrainian scientists seeking a job: Labs supporting Ukrainian Scientists - please edit via https://bit.ly/ua-form
Upcoming events to support Ukraine 🌻
Ways to Influence Authorities 🌻
All you need to do (5 - 10 min):
- Find your Senators/Representatives:
- Telegram bot to easily find your local Representatives’ contacts in few clicks (Phone, Email, Physical mail, Twitter): @weStandWithUkraine_Bot (You can download Telegram from App store or Google play for free)
- Senators: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
- House of Representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
2. You have to pass them a message that Ukraine will never surrender, but we need more of your support. See examples here:
Influence Authorities Directly3. Finally, after you are done with messaging, you can share your experience using hashtag #WeStandWithUkraine or #WeStandWithUkraine_Bot
Invite your friends, tag them, spread the word.
More info here:
Influence Authorities Directly