Imagine and Shape

Imagine and Shape


Imagine and Shape aims to stimulate inclusive and creative education in Lviv. Art education is usually out of reach for many people with disabilities. The project provides visually impaired people with an opportunity to learn how to sculpt, implement their ideas in shapes and feel their creativity through touch.


👩🏻‍🦯  Inclusion/ The first initiative of the project is to host sculpture classes at the Lviv boarding school for children with visual disabilities. The classes teach children how to work with shapes, reproduce forms and visualize their ideas in the form of a sculpture.

💡 Education/ The Global Shapers Lviv Hub aims to teach 50 children during the first semester of the project execution and 50 adults over three months

🐾 Braille writing/ This tactile craft can help improve children’s ability to use the Braille writing system.


🌻 Diversity/  The project also hosts inclusive sculpture workshops for adults that are open to everyone with a desire to learn sculpture, both people with and without visual disabilities, with the aim of learning and creating in an inclusive way. In the future,

📚 Upskilling/Reskilling/ In the future, the Lviv Hub is looking to develop a comprehensive and inclusive training program to provide anyone with an opportunity to learn sculpture.

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