The Munich Hub, thanks to Julia Amtmann's connections to the Munich City Council and Karolina Inhinova's connections to the Ukrainian Ministry of Health, the City Council donated €100,000 to our project Medical Aid To Ukraine!  With that and the €2,900 we raised on GoFundMe, we bought anesthetics, fake skin and essential medicines from a list from the Deputy Minister of EU Integration Oleksii Iaremenko himself. Once it arrives in government warehouses, the Ukrainian government will distribute it to hospitals where doctors like Lviv Shaper Roman Smolynets will be able to use it! 


Problem Statement: Hospitals in Ukraine are running out of critical surgical medicine and equipment and they need humanitarian aid. In partnership with the Frankfurt Hub, this hub project aims to transport the needed goods to the Ukrainian border working together with the hub project Europe Cares. The goods would then be received by the Ukrainian Military and the Shapers from the Lviv Hub, with consulting from Kyiv Hub. Proposed Solution: Working with transportation companies, Munichs plan to delive prescription-only medicine to Lviv. There are five warehouses in and around the city where the products will be delivered to, depending on timing, volume and space.

Target Group: The Ukrainian Ministry of Health. They will then determine which to hospitals the medicine will be sent.


  • To get in contact with manufacturers and other organizations that may sponsor the initiative through donations - either in monetary form or products.
  • To execute a target campaign about the initiative to share on social media and intensify our outreach.
  • Europe Cares joined on day 1.
  • Creation of the GoFundMe on day 3.

Short & Long-Term Goals/Results:

  • Publication of one article about the project.
  • Acquisition of at least one corporate partner with medical donation.
  • Acquisition of at least one corporate partner with medical donation.
  • Match all small pharma producers of the medicine and equipment listed.
  • Create a marketing campaign and send it to the pharma companies to attract them to donate and work to with us.


  • To help reduce the shortage of critical surgical medicine and equipment through numerous deliveries from either purchase or donation of medicine to Ukraine.

Available Metrics:

  • Receipt of the list of required aid and medicine.
  • Translation of medicine list from English to German.
  • Three meetings with separate major pharmaceutical companies.
  • Creation of a QR code, posted at strategic locations in Munich.
  • 26 donations on GoFundMe (as of 01 April, 2022), totaling €4,325.
  • Participation of 20+ shapers from numerous hubs.
  • Donation from the City of Munich of €100,000.


  • GSMunich Hub
  • SUN
  • The Ukrainian Government
  • The City of Munich

Text by Colin Benz

2022.05.18 Press Release UA MoH.docx15.6KB